Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Up On A Housetop!

Today is my friend Stone's birthday. Everyone wish her a fantastic birthday and that it's the beginning of a year filled with wonderful things for her. Normally I wouldn't make such a public mention of Stone getting a year older, but when I called her this morning to tell her Happy Birthday, she asked me what was up with no more recent pictures.

No the camera isn't broken... I've just been lazy. I even had pictures from last week that sat in my camera on my desk all weekend without getting posted. In my defense, I did finish painting the master bathroom of the old house, fix the tile in the kitchen and look for new light fixtures for the hall bathroom, so I wasn't a complete bum this weekend.

So... here's a picture from last week and this week. The rest are posted in the slideshow. It's coming along great and we're having some great weather this week, so I feel as though there will be more photo-worthy progress by week's end.