We have approval of our final plans by the structural engineers, leaving us one final approval by Lexington Estates developer, Greg Flores, before we can break ground. In light of finalizing our plans, we thought we'd take this opportunity to introduce our designer, John Guillory.
John is a master at translating people's thoughts into reality on paper. He worked with us for a long time before we even had a signed contract to guide us in the decisions we needed to make to help our dream become detailed house plans. John is a very straightforward designer and his expert advice (often put as, "here's why you don't want to do that...") helped make our plans not only functional but cost efficient as well.
We loved working with John, not only because of his incredible skill, but because he was so much fun to work with. John's creative approach to home design allowed us exceptional input into the design of our new home to make it exactly what we envisioned. We found John to be extremely professional and personable, a combination that provided an easy working relationship.
If you have a housing dream you want turned into plans, contact him at his company, Custom Home Design at 225-292-2232, visit his Website at www.chd-plans.com or e-mail him at guillory@cox.net. He has a number of plans available on his Website that offer an excellent starting point for a custom home or he can sit down with you and draw out your house room-by-room on his drafting board.